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2023 Request for Proposal: One-Stop Operator Monitoring Procurement


Central Arkansas Workforce Development Board is seeking an independent consultant to conduct One-Stop Operator monitoring of the Central Arkansas Workforce Development Area. The Central Arkansas Planning and Development District (CAPDD) is the current One-Stop Operator.



Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Department of Labor (DOL) published Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) WIOA NO. 15-16. The Letter describes the groundwork for the One-Stop Operator selection process. In addition to the selection process, TEGL 15-16 requires Local Workforce Boards to conduct oversight and monitoring of its One-Stop Operator. The Central Arkansas Workforce Development Board (CAWDB) has chosen to procure an independent consultant in order to conduct the monitoring process.

Proposal Requirements:

Proposals must be received by the deadline: April 14, 2023 at 4:00 pm. Proposals should be e-mailed to the staff of the CAWDB, Carmen Edwards. In addition, the subject line should be CAWDB RFP, CONFIDENTIAL PROPOSAL

  • Complete Attachment A – Coversheet

  • Complete Attachment B – Budget. The budget must include a dollar amount bid for monitoring services. It is anticipated that a firm, fixed price contract will be negotiated based on this Request for Proposal. Each Quote should state the anticipated number of hours required to complete the engagement as well as the hourly rate to be charged by each level of professional providing services. After completion of the services contracted within this request, further investigation may be requested. You must quote your hourly rates for additional services. Costs occurred to prepare this proposal cannot be included within budget costs

Proposals must describe entity/company/individual’s understanding and qualifications and relevant experience regarding One- Stop Operator Monitoring and monitoring WIOA Title I Service Providers. In addition, please list previous and/or similarly completed projects.

Proposals must demonstrate adequate understanding of federal and state laws and regulations.

Proposals must include acknowledgement that the entity will adhere to the roles/responsibilities set forth in this Request for Proposal Package.

Proposals must disclose if the organization or entity’s employees are presently disbarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declare ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation by a Federal department or agency.

Proposals must disclose if the organization is unable to be properly bonded or insured.

Proposals must disclose if the organization or its employees are engaged in fraud or abuse.

Proposals must disclose any labor union disputes or issues.

Proposals must include entity/company/individual name, address, and phone number. In addition, the proposal must designate an individual who will serve as its point of contact, including that person’s phone number and email address.


View the full scope of the Request for Proposal as failure to comply with any requirements may result in a disqualified proposal.

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