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CAPCA Serves Faulkner County Families Amid COVID-19

The Central Arkansas Workforce Development Board works with many valuable partners throughout Central Arkansas. We could not accomplish our goal in enhancing individual’s quality of life without their help.

The Community Action Program of Central Arkansas (CAPCA) is a non-profit community agency in Arkansas that has been in operation since 1965. In partnership with their communities, they educate eligible participants by providing quality services which empower lives, expand self-reliance and increase community involvement.

In March 2020, to meet the needs of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, CAPCA modified their services to provide curbside assistance. Shortly after, they quickly witnessed freezing temps, snow flurries, severe thunderstorms, heat/humidity, and insane amounts of wind and wind gusts that lifted their established tent along with the 20 lbs. weights holding it down.

As a result, CAPCA purchased a new Registration shelter that provided a huge benefit to their clients during their monthly commodity food distribution, speeding up the process by 2 hours. In addition to the new Registration shelter, CAPCA is preparing for the Summer Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LiHEAP), a program that assists eligible persons with utility bills. In conjunction with the regular program CAPCA will also be operating an additional LIHEAP program funded through the CARES Act to help families in crisis.

Overall, by creating partnerships with community organizations like CAPCA, together, we can serve our communities and help the individuals and families overcome barriers to help them move forward in life.


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