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While struggling as a young single mother, Keyuanna worked various odd jobs to earn money to provide for her family’s needs. However, due to personal obstacles and challenges she was unable to attain gainful employment.

With a brief background in Cosmetology, Keyuanna realized that this occupation would not be enough for her to sustain and care for her household. Desiring more for herself and her family, in October of 2016, she contacted the Central Arkansas Workforce Center in North Little Rock and applied for assistance from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program.

After determined her eligibility, Dorine Smith, Youth One-Stop Manager, assessed and developed and Individual Service Strategy that defined Keyuanna’s essential needs to successfully transition into adulthood and employment. Shortly after, Keyuanna received services including Job Readiness Training, Resume Building, Interviewing Skills, and educational training.

In addition, she participated in the Work Experience program and worked at a law firm as an office clerk. Excelling in her job duties, one of the attorney’s at Davenport Law, LLC noticed her skill set and offered her a full-time Receptionist position, which she excitedly accepted.

Currently, she is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Business at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock while working full time in a professional environment. Keyuanna changed her mindset, remained focused and determined, and was able to achieve her goals.


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