Unable to find employment, high school Senior, Margaret Ishmon enrolled in the 2017 Summer Youth Employment Opportunity Program.
Prior to enrollment, Margaret attempted several times to obtain employment; however, she was unsuccessful due to the lack of her work history and skills. Feeling discouraged, her parents encouraged her to go to the Central Arkansas Workforce Center in Brinkley.
Once enrolled, Marilyn Roby, One-Stop Center Career Consultant, assessed and developed and Individual Service Strategy that defined Margaret’s essential needs to successfully transition into adulthood and employment.
Shortly after, Margaret received services including Job Readiness Training, Resume Building, Interviewing Skills, and Workplace Etiquette and Leadership Skills. While attending classes at The Literacy Council of Monroe County, she received invaluable information pertaining to Employer Expectations, Importance of Time Management, and Choosing the Best Career Path.
In addition, Margaret also participated in the Work Experience program and worked at the Monroe County Human and Development Center. Quickly, Margaret learned the significance of a having remarkable work ethics and made a positive transformation in her career.
In September 2017, she became a full time employee at the Monroe County Human and Development Center, as well as, she is pursuing her education in Early Childhood Education at East Arkansas Community College.
