In July 2018, Roy Anderson visited the Arkansas Workforce Center at Benton to inquire about services available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program. He was interested in the Transportation Industry and was eager to become a Truck Driver so that he could provide for his family.
Shortly after, Roy was enrolled in the educational training component of the program where the Saline County Adult Education Center prepared him to complete the curriculum at the Pine Bluff Truck Driving School.
Then, Roy worked vigorously to successfully complete the program at the Pine Bluff Truck Driving School. During his enrollment, he learned to identify over 100 parts to heavy duty transportation vehicles and additionally, mastered his skills behind the wheel. In August 2018, Roy received his diploma and his Commercial Driver’s License and was offered employment with Martin Enterprises of the Carolinas.
Roy learned that it is possible to have a career doing something that you love and with the help of the WIOA program, anyone’s dream can become a reality.
