The University of Arkansas- Pulaski Technical College (UA-PTC) offers free Adult Education classes.
Adult Education provides G.E.D. Preparation, employability, workforce skills, improve basic skills, prepare for college, refresh on courses, and WAGE, a job readiness program through the Division of Workforce Services.
There are free in-person or online Adult Education classes offered through UA-PTC.

Free in-person classes include Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Phlebotomy Technician, and Electrocardiogram (EKG) Technician classes.
The CNA classes include Patient Care, Physical Assistance, Monitoring, and Reporting. Upon competition of the CNA classes, participants will be able to help patients clean, bathe, dress, assist with toileting, turn, reposition, transfer, record vital signs, listen to concerns, and report to nurses.
The Phlebotomy Technician courses include Patient Care, Blood Draw, and Sample Handling. When the student completes the courses, they should be able to reassure patients, verify identity, provide instructions, draw blood from patients and donors, as well as label and prepare blood and other samples.
The EKG Technician courses include patient care, test administration, and quality assurance.

UA-PTC also offers free English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. The classes are offered at a variety of days and times, are suited for beginners to advanced, and include instruction in speaking, listening, writing, grammar, citizenship, and workplace language skills.

UA-PTC also offers free OSHA 10, OSHA 30, Serv Safe, and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) trainings.
OSHA 10 training provides training on core concepts of fundamental safety and health principles, in addition to hazard recognition.
OSHA 30 gives in-depth training of safety and health knowledge, and specialized training for supervisors and safety specialists.
Serv Safe provides food safety basics and sanitation and prevention training.
CPR training teaches emergency response and techniques such as chest compressions and rescue breaths.

The free online classes include courses to become a Clinical Medical Assistant, Administrative Medical Assistant, and Medical Claims Billing & Coding.
Potential Clinical Medical Assistants will learn patient care, clinical procedures, and patient education.
Administrative Medical Assistant online courses teach patient scheduling, medical records, insurance, and billing.
Medical Claims Billing & Coding students learn data entry, record management, and coding.
To enroll, the participant must be age 16 or older, have a Driver's license or ID and Social Security Card, attend orientation, and take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Assessment.
For more information, visit www.uaptc.edu/adult-education, or visit one of their two campuses. The main campus is located at 3000 West Scenic Drive in North Little Rock or call 501-771-6078. The second campus is Little Rock-South, which is at 13000 I-30 in Little Rock, or call 501-812-2779.