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What Medical Benefits are Available for Veterans and Their Families?

Veterans and their loved ones may be eligible for health benefits and medical assistance, including the basic Medical Benefits Package for Veterans, which may include eligibility for dental and mental health benefits, as well as care for dependents and family including Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) (CHAMPVA).

What does the basic medical package for Veterans cover?

All enrolled Veterans receive the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA's) comprehensive Medical Benefits Package, which includes preventive, primary and specialty care, as well as diagnostic, inpatient and outpatient care services. Veterans may receive additional benefits, such as dental care depending on their unique circumstances.

To check your eligibility, visit the Basic Medical Benefits Package for Veterans program to take a quick questionnaire, or use the Benefit Finder to compare your eligibility to over 1,000 assistance programs. If you are eligible for the Basic Medical Benefits Package for Veterans, you may also be entitled to help to specialized healthcare programs including:

  • Mental Health Services: The VA provides general and specialty mental health services for treatment of a range of mental health conditions, including treatment for substance abuse disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, military sexual trauma and serious mental illness. Services are provided in the outpatient and inpatient mental health setting;

  • Dental Care: Outpatient dental treatment is available to eligible Veterans and may include the full spectrum of diagnostic, surgical, restorative, and preventive procedures.

How can I apply for these benefits?

To apply, complete the VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits online, on the VA’s website.

What coverage is available for dependents?

Health Care Benefits for Dependents (CHAMPVA) is a comprehensive health care benefits program in which the VA shares the cost of covered health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries.

For your dependents to be eligible for CHAMPVA, they cannot be eligible for TRICARE/CHAMPUS, and must be in one of these categories:

  • The spouse or child of a Veteran who has been rated permanently and totally disabled for a service-connected disability by a VA regional office

  • The surviving spouse or child of a Veteran who died from a VA-rated service-connected disability

  • The surviving spouse or child of a Veteran who was at the time of death rated permanently and totally disabled from a service-connected disability

  • The surviving spouse or child of a military member who died in the line of duty, not due to misconduct (in most cases, these family members are eligible for TRICARE, not CHAMPVA).

To check your eligibility, visit the CHAMPVA program page to take a quick questionnaire, or use the Benefit Finder to compare your eligibility for over 1,000 assistance programs.

Where can I find other benefits for veterans?

We hope these resources through Benefits.Gov will help you discover benefits you may eligible for. Visit the Browse by Agency page to filter your search for benefit programs by their managing agency. provides information on a variety of resources for members of the military and their families, such as housing loans, healthcare, counseling, and career assistance, and you can check your eligibility using the Benefit Finder questionnaire.

We encourage everyone to take time this month and throughout the year to appreciate our armed forces and their service to our country.


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